Bebe and Luis Barron The Music From Forbidden Planet

This story deserves a post of its own


you will find

  • npr 20050207 The Barrons Forgotten Pioneers of Electronic Music
  • BBC3 Between The Ears Sound of Cinema Return of the Monster from the Id 20130921

fascinating glimpse in to electronic music, movies and America - not withstanding his appearence on I Love Lucy, Dorie Scherry doesn't come off well

Louis and Bebe Barron, 1956, at the time of creating the Forbidden Planet soundtrack

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  • Love the movie and thank you for sharing the music.

  • You're  all Very Welcome ! ! ! 9/22/2013?  The moving finger uploads and having uploaded moves on  ^ _ ^

  • Thanks so much for this. A truly fascinating story. 

    • Thanks!

  • Just listened to both of these programmes- many thanks Reuben.

    I managed to pick up a copy of the LP soundtrack in green vinyl recently on a trip to Dublin.

    What innovators they were. They even look well before their time in the photograph! Also bought the metal DVD box set a while back with fabulous artwork on the cover and contents.

    Retro gold. 

    • I used to have a record collection, then a cd collection.   Now I just get the mp3s, really don't have room for all the accessory   stuff any more.  I downsized to mp3s, it was a lot cheaper than buying a warehouse. LOL  ------  R

    • I know what you mean, Rick  but I prefer the physical product with artwork, inserts and ephemera etc. Downloads alone are kind of soulless ; one of the reasons that vinyl has made a comeback with a new generation.

    • I love that kind of stuff too.  I usually try to collect the pictures and stuff along with the mp3s, it does help that urge some, but I have a rather large collection and a very small Den/office LOL  -----------  R

  • 2473765302?profile=original---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  R

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