
  • Hi Reuben,

    Cannot acces your content here.

    Just see a list file icons with the message "You HAVE edit permission...

    Am I doing something wrong, old chap?


    Edward G 

    • I opened link at my work where I I have an antiquated computer and browser and got the edit permission stuff -- after advice from MF to upgrade browser

      I opened the link at home where I have a modestly up to date computer and browser and all was fine

    • I just left clicked and I was in.  It works fine for me.   ------------------------------  R

  • The link won't work for me.  It takes me to an empty file.  --------------------------  R

    • I changed the link to take you directly into the folder - try now  ^_^ -- if nothing els both of us will have larger music documentary collections thanks to your starting (or reviving) this group

      PS - you will see other files that I have not posted yet -- help yourself -- if you see anything which I may inadvertently have uploaded that came from here to begin with, don't hesitate to expose me and I will not formally post it here ^_^

    • I really don't care where you got stuff.  All that stuff to me is a lot of Hooey. Once something is posted anywhere it takes on a life of it's own on the net.  Thank You Reuben/OFT, looks like I'll be seeing you here and There LOL  -------------------------  R

      PS:  The site search now works on all groups but the group search I fear is gone forever.

    • Well, I award you the Detective 1st class medal ... ^_^

    • It popped right up there, no detective work involved.  LOL   I don't really want the detective handle but I will take the First Class.  I like that.  ---------------------------------------  R

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