30 Years of Rock and Roll (1955 - 1984)

30 Years of Rock and Roll (1955 - 1984)

The events, personalities and music of 1955 - 1984  seen through the Broadcasts, newsreels and records of the time.  Rock was in it's infancy and grew out Blues and Jazz in response to the times.  There are 30 shows each showcasing that year in history events and people and shows how the music reflected the world at that time.  Sit back and see the events of the time and if you are old enough to have lived through them reminisce as you view them in light of the events and the how the music responded to them.  Hold on tight because it's going to be a Rockin ride.

30 Years of Rock and Roll LINK

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  • Thank you also.  Looks very good.

  • Thanks Rick Reuben ^_^

    • You're welcome Reuben.  ----------------------------------  Rick

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