10,000 events/archival recordings available online

"92nd Street Y Presents an Online Archive of Recordings

If you have attended concerts, poetry readings and public interviews at the 92nd Street Y and noticed microphones suspended over the stage that were clearly for archival recording rather than amplification, you may have caught yourself daydreaming about the treasures the Y’s archives must hold.

That collection, it turns out, includes audio and video recordings of more than 10,000 events, going back to 1949, among them, not only the classical music recitals and chamber concerts that have long been a mainstay of the Y’s arts programming, but also literary events — readings by Dylan Thomas, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Vladimir Nabokov and Susan Sontag — and pop performances by Joan Baez, Leonard Cohen, the Shirelles and others."

Here is the link:  http://92yondemand.org/

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  • Thank You much.  I have kept the link.  I will get to it after I finish moving all my stuff of of ge.tt.   They have been bought by another company and my paid account is now being listed as old on the servers and some of my stuff is being deleted.  Paid accounts shouldn't be deleted.  Aargh!!!  -------------------------  R

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