Miss Pickerell

Does any one know if the MISS PICKERELL series of books has ever been created in audio for children?  I know a few grandchildren who would love to hear them.


When I was growing up in the early 1950s, they were all the rage of girls and boys, and I still remember reading MISS PICKERELL GOES TO MARS until the book fell apart.  In those days, of course, we only dreamed of what is commonplace today. 



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  • I agree,Peter. I have a half-dozen or so in paperback and have re-read them all recently. I read them to my daughter when she was 10-11 and she loved them. I think they would be great as audiobooks. My fave series growing up was the "Freddy The Pig" series,by Walter R. Brooks, and they have been done by 'Talking Books'. The narrator is John McDonough and he is THE guy to have done the FREDDY series.They are extremely well done! - Ron L.(Ottawa,Canada)PS-Katy is a really good source for all things pertaining to us "grown-up kids!"
    • I am one of those 'grown-up kids,' I fear, Ron. I'm not familiar with FREDDY THE PIG, but anyone who has read the PICKERELL series and likes them is to be taken seriously on anything he recommends. I shall look for FREDDY. And, you're right; there is excellent material for 'children' of all ages on this excellent site.

      Thank you for taking time to write.
    • Walter Brooks hit his stride about mid way through the Freddy series Peter. I highly recommend Freddy the Cowboy;Freddy Goes Camping;Freddy and The Dragon;Freddy Plays Football and Freddy and the Men From Mars to name a few. His humour and his villains are really funny,and the recurring theme is friends helping friends out of a jam. Friends helping friends,hmm.....sorta like this great group!!!
    • I will peruse the bookstalls for all the FREDDies, Ron. The fellow gets around, doesn't he? I’m particularly looking for books that will show children how to solve their problems in ‘kid’ situations and how to take responsibility, knowing full well what the consequences are.

      The older grandchildren are being taught this in private school, and I want to reinforce it when they come to visit. I’ll also pass the information on to their parents, but there isn’t much to worry about there; mom and dad seem to have it all in hand. Thanks again, Ron.
    • Hi Peter:

      I remember Miss Pickerell books. Our school library had the series and read them as a kids too! Great adventures with a sci-fi theme.

      Sorry guys, I haven't seen anything as far as audiobooks, radio dramas, lps, etc. I have to agree that the story lines well suited for audiobooks and even radio dramas.

      Cheers, katy
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