Does any one know if the MISS PICKERELL series of books has ever been created in audio for children? I know a few grandchildren who would love to hear them.
When I was growing up in the early 1950s, they were all the rage of girls and boys, and I still remember reading MISS PICKERELL GOES TO MARS until the book fell apart. In those days, of course, we only dreamed of what is commonplace today.
Thank you for taking time to write.
The older grandchildren are being taught this in private school, and I want to reinforce it when they come to visit. I’ll also pass the information on to their parents, but there isn’t much to worry about there; mom and dad seem to have it all in hand. Thanks again, Ron.
I remember Miss Pickerell books. Our school library had the series and read them as a kids too! Great adventures with a sci-fi theme.
Sorry guys, I haven't seen anything as far as audiobooks, radio dramas, lps, etc. I have to agree that the story lines well suited for audiobooks and even radio dramas.
Cheers, katy