Adventures in Sound and Space

ADVENTURES IN SOUND AND SPACE Col.Frank Erhardt and Cast,including Staats Cotsworth,Bob Hastings and Hal Cooper. Orchestra under the direction of Marty Gold The stellar "Adventures in Sound and Space" is a relative anomaly -- a cosmic exotica record geared to children. Narrated by one Col. Frank Erhardt with music conducted and arranged by the great Marty Gold, the album boasts all the technological marvels and musical innovation of other classic space age pop LPs -- in fact, it's the first children's release produced in stereo -- but trims the eerie foreboding that defines more adult-oriented efforts of the same ilk. The overall effect is more akin to a classic radio serial than anything -- Gold's wonderfully cinematic treatment of the material transforms the fantasy of interstellar travel into something vividly real, capturing the childlike wonder and awe that galvanize mankind's exploration of the unknown.

1_Adventures In Sound And Space_1958_Blast Off And Free Fall.mp3

2_Adventures In Sound And Space_1958_Moon Crash.mp3

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