Planet Man
This show, kids scifi, is a 1950 science fiction serial called Planet Man. From the show's opening: "This is the fascinating story of Dantro, The Planet Man, troubleshooter for the League of Planets organization, the law enforcement body for peace and justice in the celestial world - whose headquarters and center of operations are situated on the capital of all the planets, Planeria Rex. From Mercury to Pluto, wherever danger threatens the universe, you will find Dantro the Planet Man fighting for fair play." A direct quote from the intro to the show, I think, more than explains the simplistic nature of the show, a space western with the "Marshall" Dantro roaming the plains of space upholding justice. I know big kids like me enjoy it.
There are some episodes missing along the way including the 1st Episode. I have been trying to find them, so if anyone has the , please upload here. TIA
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