ZBS - The Fourth Tower of Inverness - Jack Flanders

The Fourth Tower of Inverness

This classic story is filled with all kinds of teachings, from Ram Dass playing on the Wurlitzer of Wisdoms, to the Tibetan wheel-of-life, to Sufi stories, all woven into a humorous adventure taking place in an old mansion called Inverness. The mansion has three towers, but Jack Flanders has seen a fourth. When he finally enters the tower, he discovers there are various levels, and each level contains another world. Featuring Robert Lorick as Jack Flanders, Valerie Manches as Lady Jowls, Murray Head as Lord Jowls, and M. Fulton as Chief Wampum.

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  • Thank you again sir!
  • You are most kind to take the time to post this Jack Flanders story. The was the first one I'd ever heard and was hooked on ZBS after listening to it. Again, thank you so much.
    • I am looking for Mumbo Jumbo, might you have it? ------------------------------------------------------- Rick
    • Unfortunately, I don't. Years ago when we were moving, I gave all of my ZBS stories to Salvation Army, hoping someone would enjoy them as much as I had.
  • ZBS - The Fourth Tower of Inverness - Jack Flanders

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