Candle Light Tales - Jarrem Lee Ghost Hunter

A few episodes of both series. These are old so I'm sure everyone has them. Bruce these are all I have from them. Hope this is okay.  

Jerrem Lee Ghost hunter: The Waxing of the Moon. The Whitechapel Vampire.

Candlelight Tales: The Storm Breeder: Lady in Black.

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  • These are all the Jarrem Lee and Candlelight tales I have.


    • Wow Thomas, you just given us another great bounty. 

      Thanks to you Christmas has come early to us.

      I had no idea they're were additional Candlelight Tales as well.

      Bet hardly anyone else did either.

      And of course thanks so much for all the JL files as well.

      Because of your generosity we now the complete first 5 volumes. Except for Vol. 2.

      Two episodes are missing from Vol. 2.  E.5 "The Disappearance of James Jephcott" and E.6 The Terror of Crabtree Cottage".

      You undoubtedly still have them, but simply just by chance inadvertently missed them when you were gathering all the files for UL.

      It would be so appreciated if you could find the time to track them down and UL them to site.

      Thanks again for your continued excellent sharing.

  • I did not have the candlellight tales, so thank you very much, Thomas!

    • Thanks for sharing.

    • Thomas, you are such a buddy to us all.

      Thank you so much.

      I already have the CTs. quite possibly from an earlier post from you. so thank you again.

      However I don't have these two JL yarns, which is very nice to enjoy now, both I see are from Vol. 3 of the JL series which actually has 4 stories in it's collection.

      The other two are #10 "The Tragic Revenge of Charles Maynard" & #12 The Last Stand".

      I may be incorrect about this, but when one purchases say a JL CD or DL, doesn't the buyer get all four of the episodes instead just a couple?

      If this is so, perhaps you may have the other two additionally and simply have misplaced or forgotten about them.

      If so, it happens, no big deal, and all of us are just as grateful.

      Again, much obliged.

    •  As I said They are so old I thought everyone already  them. All the Candlelight ones are up all 4 and the same with the others.Everything is up all the Lee.Thanks.


    • I have all the Jerrem Lee and the other candle light tales. I'll get them up as soon as in-laws leave tonight.

      I only posted a few since I thought everyone had them.

      The difference between in-laws and outlaws is that out-laws are wanted.


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