All Discussions (43)

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Tower Playhouse

TOWER PLAYHOUSE, directed by Jim French in Seattle, Washington, was the forerunner of CRISIS, also directed by Jim French. Although a short series, some unusual science fiction and horror tales are among the titles. The main run was only 9 shows with

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Kitty Keene

Kitty Keene, the grandma detective and former Ziegfried Follies girl, debuted in 1937 and proved to be a popular show with a four year run. Kitty Keene was co-written by a female writer Day Keene. I only have this episode, but understand that there a

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The Fourth Chime

Most of us are quite familiar with the three famous NBC chimes. But there was also a fourth chime which as rung at moments of extreme urgency. The following discussion of the fourth chime is taken from Wikipedia: "The "fourth chime" was also used to

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