Seattle Radio Theater

Here is an offering from The Seattle Radio Theater.  This Theater is performed in front of a Theatrical Audience and broadcast live AM 1090 KPPK Seattle.  This is the first in the series of Mercury Theater Broadcasts. Radio Theaters like this take us back to bring us forward into the future.  If anyone has any more information or broadcasts that are representative of this theater please post them under a heading of "Seattle Radio Theater.

Dracula - 1938 Orson Welles, Mercury Theater Production

LIVE Radio Drama in Seattle: DRACULA!
At Town Hall in Seattle on October 29 at 8pm was a live performance and broadcast of the Mercury Theater version of Dracula!

This was the program that kicked off the Mercury series in July 1938, a few months before the infamous Mercury production of War of the Worlds. This Drac is pretty scary, but is appropriate for a family audience.

Tickets for this first-ever Halloween-inspired production by Seattle Radio Theater were available or you could stay home and listen to AM 1090 KPTK.

Featured in the cast were Pat Cashman as Orson Welles as Dracula (follow that?), plus Steve Wilson, Tracey Conway, John Maynard, Jim Dever, Lee Callahan and Chris Topping. Live music is by Rob Jones, with live sound effects by Curtis Takahashi (using equipment provided courtesy of the Radio Enthusiasts of Puget Sound).


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