A Prairie Home Companion is a live radio variety show created and hosted by Garrison Keillor. The show runs on Saturdays from 5 to 7 pm Central Time, and usually originates from the Fitzgerald Theater in Saint Paul, Minnesota, although it is frequently taken on the road. A Prairie Home Companion is known for its musical guests, especially folk and traditional musicians, tongue-in-cheek radio drama, and Keillor's storytelling segment, "News from Lake Wobegon".
It is produced by Prairie Home Productions and distributed by American Public Media, and is most often heard on public radio stations in the United States. The show has a long history, existing in a similar form as far back as 1974, and borrowing the name from a radio program in existence in 1969. It was named after the Prairie Home Cemetery in Moorhead, Minnesota, next to Concordia College.[1]
I encourage you to check this show out. Much more information about the Creator, Garrison Keillor, the Shows history, and the format of the show can be found on Wikipedia.
This as far know is the only collection of downloadable full episodes in existence. If you would like to listen before downloading, the shows are available for streaming only on the Prairie Home Companion Website. This collection (to the best of my ability) contains only live or new content, I have tried to remove any compilation shows.
These are Very large files. This is my collection of all known available full length shows of Prairie Home Companion.
All Links uploaded, Please let me know if any links do not work
All Available from 1990, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1986,1985 and 1983
are currently available here LINK , Let me know if these disappear, Not my links, so I will not know
Thank you, Fivecard! This is kinda like comfort food--very satisfying!
Thanks so much, The comments on here make me feel like it was worth all the work.
Love this show! Have listened for years. Thank you for the huge effort to find, categorize, and upload
Completed 1-16-14
Updated 2002, 2001 and link to 1990 and previous
Updated with 2003 1-14-14
Absolutely wonderful, will start with a few downloads and then come back for more. Thank you
Updated 1-11-14
Updated 1-10-14
Some PHC trivia:
with the sermon at the end (and the NPR collection plate in the middle)
wrote Eisenhower's "Military-Industrial Complex" speech.
Bob & Ray, Paul Rhymer, Orson Welles.
way behind Twain and Pryor (IMHO)
who published his home address, with photos. This led to collapse of his LTR,
relocation to NYC, elopement with high-school friend, move to Denmark,
back to NYC and finally, back to St Paul.
and renamed by GK, with a life-size statue of F. Scott in front.