Posting Rules for Radio Revival

This group will cater to Radio Shows from the USA and Canada that were broadcast between 1962 and the present on the radio and exemplify that particular period in those 2 countries by an attempt to revive the art of Drama Radio that had been lost after it's sharp decline. A list of these shows will be placed for you to refer to.

1 The show has to be from the USA or Canada

2. It has to be between 1962 and the present

3. It has to be a RADIO SHOW and have been BROADCAST on the Radio.

4. It has to be accepted and on the accepted shows list before posting or it will be DELETED.


This is also the discussion group for election of shows to include that are within the Parameters listed.
If you have a show that you feel matches the Criteria, ask for it to be placed on the list.  You will be notified whether the show is approved or not.  NO PODCASTS or INTERNET ONLY SHOWS.

List of Approved Shows:
*Imagination Theater (and its predecessors on Seattle radio)
The Adventures of Dameron
*Tower Playhouse
*Harry Nile
*Theater Five
*Zero Hour
*NPR Bradbury 13
NPR Playhouse

*NPR Scifi Radio
*NPR 2000X
*NPR Star Wars Dramas
*Sears Radio Theater
*Mutual Radio Theater
*Vanishing Point
CBC Mystery Project
*Future Tense (WMUK 1973)
Pacifica Radio (WBAI, Joe Bevilacqua)
*Cygnus Radio (Secret of Dominion)
Radio Repertory Company of America
*Midnight Mystery Players

* Denotes posted on group

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  • Riklaa,

    Is this a place for Prairie Home Companion??

    • this is for Radio Drama post WWII when the US and Canada moved away from Radio.  I have never listened to Prairie Home Companion but if you feel that it had a hand in keeping radio drama alive in the lean years of Radio from the 1950s to the recent past when audio drama has taken over and revived our interest in good listening and not just music, news and commercials then by all means post it here.  ------------------------------  R 

    • If you have never heard Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion, I sincerely beg you to check it out. The last of the Variety shows. Music, Comedy, Musical Comedy, Satire, Great Stories just to name a few of the aspects that make it great.

    • I have heard of it, just never listened to.  Have at it if you want to post it here, I am open to anything.  I just didn't want people putting web stuff or OTR here, this is for the stuff that came in the US and Canada between OTR and Web.  -------------  R

  • Rick:

    We should add Midnight Mystery Players to the list, They broadcast over a low-power FM station in Washington State.

    Their work is quite good - some original, some adaptations of OTR and some re-creations from existing scripts.

    They do ask that we NOT re-post their work, but link to their site.
    • OK, I am putting it on the list, you can take care of the Link OK. ----------------------------------------- Rick
    • Will do. Thanks
    • Thanks for the site, Bob. I wasn't aware of this group. Their low power signal doesn't reach us in lower Puget Sound. I look forward to listening to their shows.

  • Hi, Rick

    Do we have the same rule here about no commercial availability?

    Radio Repertory Comapny offers most of their shows on CD, but they still broadcast on Sirius and XM radio.

    Let me know.
    • You know Bob, I don't know, but on one hand satellite Radio is Radio in a broader sense of the word. On the otherhand you have to subscribe to the XM or Sirius or whatever. I think this might be one of those that we have to see what others think. What is your gut on this? Do we let in a lot of things we don't want if we say yes?. Is there a lot of stuff on the satellite we don't want. I know nothing about sat radio and what's on it. ---- Rick
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