Other Imagination Theater Titles

This discussion will explore Kincaid The Strange Seeker, Powder River, Raffles, The Gentleman Thief, Hillary Caine Mysteries, Mr. Danborough Mysteries and all the Misc. single offerings of Imagination Theater. Since I have been asked to, I will begin to post all the IT Shows I have excluding Harry Nile and Sherlock Holmes. Holmes should and will go in Another Port with The BBC and other questionable Holmes. Anyone who is a member is invited to join in on the posting fun. I think I have a complete set of IT, but I have been wrong before so if you have any by all means post them and I will work around you. There are singles out there also which I do not hav so please put them in the appropriate places. I am starting very soon. Since there are so many of them I have not had a chance to listen to every one, so I apologize in advance if there are any mislabeled, incomplete or with audio problems etc. I do hope you enjoy them.

1997-01-12 #044 AskMeAnyQuestion&FearItself.mp3

1998-02-22 #102 Masks&BottomLine.mp3

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  • You may want to take a look at the most Imagination Theatre Newsletter

    It contains important information about Jim French Productions and all of his series.

    Here is the URL for the Imagination Theatre Newsletter


  • Updated broadcast logs for the following Jim French Productions series can be found at:
    Imagination Theatre
    Jim French Shows (Seattle)
    Kerides, The Thinker
    Strange Seeker, The

    All broadcast logs are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and are current as of January 31, 2015.

  • IMT 967 September 28th 2014 https://www.mediafire.com/?d26qgdqcra2afnb
    "Power Trip Part One"
    Episode 46 of “The StrangeSeeker.” Deep in the darkest jungle the mad scientist performs his evil experiments on the unsuspecting denizens… or not. It all looks that way as Mike Kincaid and Shelly find themselves traipsing around Tarzanland in search of a plant that may or may not kill people. (NEW)
    "The Tollington Ghost"
    Episode 76 of "The Further Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes.” Two men, one alive, one dead, are locked in a room with no way out but the door. In the morning there is still a dead man in the place but it’s not the one from the night before. That body is missing.


    IMT 969
    HARRY NILE "Rosie Rides Again"

    IMT 970 http://www.mediafire.com/listen/138op2bk/...../970_KSS_power_trip_2...'s_letter.mp3

    THE STRANGE SEEKER "Power Trip" part 2
    SHERLOCK HOLMES "The Highlander's letter"

    • Thank you, Mike!!!

  • WEEK 953 - https://www.mediafire.com/?lqt57kccsdct3la

    KERIDES, THE THINKER - Last Night of Freedom
    Episode 14 of Kerides, the Thinker. It's the day before the wedding of Adrea and Kerides and even in ancient Egypt the groom gets bachelor party. Only he probably didn't expect to wake up in a cellar bound hand and foot with fate of the city resting on his shoulders. (NEW)                                                                                                      

    MOVIES FOR YOUR MIND - Fear Itself
    Pulitzer Prize winner and Tony Award nominee Robert Schenkkan appears as the author of a string of best selling horror novels. When a group of fellow writers "gang up" on him, he becomes the victim of his own deep-rooted terrors.

    WEEK 954 -  https://www.mediafire.com/?l0vvx7ty2xtj11u

    RAFFLES, THE GENTLEMAN THIEF - The Duchess of Ireland
    Episode 18 of Raffles, the Gentleman Thief. Once again we join Raffles and his friend Bunny Manders as they romp thru Victorian England one-step ahead of the law. This time the Gentleman thief is innocent, he didn't take the jewel but he's fairly certain he knows who did and when the actual crook tries to put the blame on Raffles the fun begins. (NEW)                                                                                                      

    CRISIS - Building B-2000
    What's the secret housed in an underground hangar at a lonely military installation in the desert?

    • Thank you, Mike!!!

      What is CRISIS? Horror, SF?

    • I think it was an umbrella title for shows including thrillers and SF.

    • Crisis ran from 1973 to about 1978 with repeats. Although not well-distributed at the time, the author Jim French has achieved something of a cult status among listeners. Almost everyone who has listened to a show from this series has been hooked.

      Crisis - 152 Episodes Horror/Scifi LINK

    • Wow, I'd forgotten there were 152 shows in that series!

  • Some recent episodes,more to come:

    WEEK 935     https://www.mediafire.com/?d0yd6ilcc7fj0zc

    STRANGE SEEKER Dead in the water HARRY NILE aloha means goodbye

    WEEK 936     https://www.mediafire.com/?m9yxgjknmxi1742

    SHERLOCK HOLMES Silver Blaze   (+ Bum Steer)
    One of the most famous Conan Doyle quotations occurs in this tale of a kidnapped racehorse.

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