Happy Solstice!

Well, it's not Old Time Radio, it's not a podcast, it's not comedy or drama or mystery or just history or documentary or music; it's a little bit of a lot of things & I still think this is the most appropriate group for it, so...


Here is a radio show I wrote & performed yesterday about the winter solstice, its science, history, celebration, myth, & music.  Enjoy!  -Karen

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  • Thanks to whoever featured my discussion!
  • Thanks, Karen. I hope you had a blessed Solstice! And a very happy Christmas and New Year to you and yours. Effie
    • thanks, Effie!  Had a very nice Solstice, am looking forward to a fun Xmas eve, & a sweet & peaceful Xms day.  Hope yours is all you wish it to be!  -Karen
  • Thanks for this, Karen.

    Nice mix of information and music. 

    and Merry Christmas.

    • Thank you, dear, & to you!
  • Excellent! Thanks, Karen.


    "God bless us, every one!" (copyright C. Dickens)





    • What an excellent picture. Thank you so much for that, Roger. Holiday blessings to you and yours.
    • thanks, Roger.  I do love that picture! :-)

    • Me too! It's the work of the tragically short-lived Robert Seymour, the first illustrator of Charles Dickens.



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