The Elgin National Watch Company was founded in August 1864 as the National Watch Company. A number of former associates of the Waltham Watch Company and Chicago watchmaker J.C. Adams had discussed forming the first large watch company in the Midwest, and after a trip to Waltham, Massachusetts, Adams approached former Mayor of Chicago Benjamin Wright Raymond as an investor. Adams and Raymond convinced many others to invest. Here is some Thanksgiving and Christmas specials produced by The Elgin National Watch Company. They are GREAT!!!
The Elgin National Watch Company was founded in August 1864 as the National Watch Company. A number of former associates of the Waltham Watch Company and Chicago watchmaker J.C. Adams had discussed forming the first large watch company in the Midwest, and after a trip to Waltham, Massachusetts, Adams approached former Mayor of Chicago Benjamin Wright Raymond as an investor. Adams and Raymond convinced many others to invest. Here is some Thanksgiving and Christmas specials produced by The Elgin National Watch Company. They are GREAT!!!
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Thank you for these shows.