Here are two collections trhat I've accumulated over the years, with thanks and Christmnas greetings tio the original encoders.
US Radio
BBC and a smattering of CBC:
Note that these links will expire on 01-01-2015
Thank you
Bob, this is amazing. Thank you!
Happy holidays to you all!
Thanks, a Merry Collection !!
Many thanks and happy holidays, Bob.
Wow such a tremendous collection, and you put in so much work to compile it for us! Thank you for sharing!!!
Like most of my collections, this represents the work of many people who capped and encoded the shows. I did the collation and the tagging, but thanks should also go to the original uploaders from years ago!
Thanks for this HUGE Holiday collection. It will be interesting for sure to hear how the horror shows (Suspense, The Whistler, The Shadow will work the holiday themes into their programs :-)
Happy Holidays to you and yours, Bob, and to all our Times Past members!!