From the X-1 ep "The 7th Victim" by Robert Seckly
At the Sonic Socoety!!

Jack ROX- had a ball making htis "Blade Runner-ish" AD!!!
(and Lothat and his wife star in this dark dystopic tale!!!)

Sonic Summerstock Prssummeromenade ends its short run this season with “7th Victim” by the incredible Bill Hollweg and Broken Sea Audio Productions!

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  • Spent the past 3 months making this - if you like dystopia and Blade Runner...this is groovy!

    In a month  I will release (as always when I do these) a special mix of this show as well as the original X-1 ep to compare and contrast!


    Lothar and his wife starred in this with LOTS of other groovy cats!

    • Then i will wait for the special mix... :)

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