Conference Call
an audio sitcom
Meet National Methodical, a company focused on finding jobs for the jobless Canadian masses.
Tristan and Patrick work in the Vancouver office - they're a couple of lolly-gagging bottom-dwellers whose official job descriptions include liasing with the satellite offices.
About The Show
Conference Call is a radio play written and recorded by a group of pals working over the Internet. We use tools like
Google Docs and Skype to make it a collaboration federation of proliferation.
Episodes are written primarily by Brian Lin and Patrick Tuckey, although we've had the help of many awesome friends
on the project!
It began as an experiment in writing with the intention of seeing if we could work together on a creative project
while living in different cities (Brian lives in Edmonton and Patrick lives in Vancouver). We started banging out
scripts and forcing friends to read through them out loud for us...
...and here we are 3 months later with a full season written and recorded. So now the plan is to release an episode
per week for the remainder of the summer.
Conference Call was featured on the Sonic Society