Steve Knight Flying Stories

Only three were published in 1941 and 1942.

1. Mystery of the Devil's Hand -

2. Bridge of Bombers -

3. Phantom Fleet -

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  • Hello Riklaa,

    Robert Sydney Bowen wrote the Dave Dawson Series. has 7 listed for download. Here's the link -

    • Thank You!  - I have 3, Hopefully these are all different.  I think he wrote something like 26 of them.  --  R

    • Hello Riklaa,

      There are 15 books in the series. Here's the list -

    • Thank You!  -------------------  R

  • Thanks Wayne.  I am looking for ones I read as a kid in the fifties but the books were from the forties in my grandmother's book case.  There was a whole series of "Dave Dawson" books and it is like they never existed.  ------  R

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