Sherlock Holmes' Baker Street Boys

The Baker Street Boys is a British television series made by the BBC and first shown in 1983. The series is based around a gang of street urchins living in Victorian London who assist the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes in solving crimes and find themselves tackling cases of their own.


Six books based on the TV series, written by Anthony Read, the original scriptwriter for the TV series, have been published to date:

The Baker Street Boys: The Case of the Disappearing Detective
The Baker Street Boys: The Case of the Captive Clairvoyant
The Baker Street Boys: The Case of the Ranjipur Ruby
The Baker Street Boys: The Case of the Limehouse Laundry
The Baker Street Boys: The Case of the Stolen Sparklers
The Baker Street Boys: The Case of the Haunted Horrors


This post contains the first 5 books in the series. Artwork included in archive. Epub format.


Looking for the 6th book:

The Baker Street Boys: The Case of the Haunted Horrors

Baker Street

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  • Thank you very much.  Hadn't heard of this before and it looks good.

  • Thanks!  I have the TV series if anyone is interested.

    • Bob, I'd love to see the TV series as well!  Oh, and thanks for the ebooks.


    • Seriously!!

      All 8 episodes?

      Would be good to see these again, 30 years later.

    • I have them on my private server. I'll send you a link later tonight..

    • HI Bob, i'd love to have these episodes


      BOB E

    • Oooh I too would enjoy seeing these if available, Bob. 


    • Thanks Bob. Can still remember watching these in the early '80's , 1983 I think??

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