JFK Assassination - 50 years Ago

The Kennedy Assassination - 50 Years Ago

Richard Belzer & David Wayne - Hit List- The Mysterious Deaths of Witnesses to the JFK Assassination (epub).epub

Phillip F Nelson - LBJ, the Mastermind of the JFK Assassination (mobi).mobi

Phillip F Nelson - LBJ, the Mastermind of the JFK Assassination (epub).epub

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  • CROSSFIRE: What really happened in Dallas on November 22, 1963?

    Was the assassination of John F. Kennedy simply the work of a warped, solitary young man, or was
    something more nefarious afoot? Pulling together a wealth of evidence, including
    rare photos, documents, and interviews, veteran Texas journalist Jim Marrs
    reveals the truth about that fateful day. Thoroughly revised and updated with
    the latest findings about the assassination, Crossfire is the most
    comprehensive, convincing explanation of how, why, and by whom our thirty-fifth
    president was killed.



    Crossfire_ The Plot That Killed - Jim Marrs.mobi

    • thank you

    • Thanks!  This must be a pet interest of yours, so many good books on an American Tragedy and debacle.  Well, the more I read the more I realize that this event and it's repercussions were shared worldwide. Such a senseless killing, all killing is senseless.  How absolutely mindless we are to kill our own, especially when they are so gifted and enlightened.  --------------------------------------  R

    • Yes, the Kennedy Assassination and the Jack The Ripper murders are my greatest pet interests.

      Both Unsolved, but for totally different reasons................

      Over 150 books on Jack The Ripper, inc Whittington-Egans 1976 Casebook On Jack The Ripper

      Over 70 books on JFK Assassination, inc Thompsons 1967 Six Seconds In Dallas

  • Belzer & Wayne covered familiar ground, but I was surprised by one notion--That 
    Ruby was supposed to take out Oswald all along, in private,

    just after the assassination, 
    but he bungled the job and Oswald was arrested.  Thus the hurried and improvised
    last minute public execution.  Not much evidence presented, but it makes narrative sense,
    which is all we can hope for at this late date.

    B&W tend to treat anything they can footnote as equally valid evidence, a common 
    flaw in JFK "research".  Take a look at Ron Rosenbaum's book on the Historiography
    of the assassination.  Mythology with footnotes.

    • Thank you for sharing

    • Thanks Mate!  --------------------  R

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