Unearthing Mysteries
Aubrey Manning examines historical mysteries.
Tue 20 Dec 2006, 11:00 AM
The Tunnellers of World War I
By February 1915, just months after the start of the First World War, both sides had decided to adapt the classic medieval siege technique of tunnelling to attack enemy defences. Today, hundreds of miles of tunnels still criss-cross far below the battlefields of Northern France.
Aubrey travels to Vimy Ridge to meet members of the Durand Group, whose excavations are revealing a complex network of listening, communication and fighting tunnels deep below ground. He finds out why the tunnels and tunnellers played such a vital role in helping the fight above ground.
Linking to deep below the battlefields, tunnels were vital for communication, joining army headquarters, relief supply depots, huge water reservoirs, chapels and hospitals.
The tunnels were also crucial for laying mines and explosives.
Specially-trained listeners could recognise the sound of enemy digging, mine-laying and even pick out the sounds of slugs. Their skills saved the lives of hundreds of men.
128/44; 25.6 MB; sound quality excellent
The link below will take you to a st of these shows, missing only Episode Four from Season - "Soutar Hospital," which even the Beeb shows as "missing/lost."
Feel free to cherry-pick these to fill out a collection. They are all at 128/44 or better, although some of the ones already posted appear to be at 160, so they may be better.
My thanks to the gang at radioarchive.cc who joined me in assembling this set.
The link below will take you to a st of these shows, missing only Episode Four from Season - "Soutar Hospital," which even the Beeb shows as "missing/lost."
Feel free to cherry-pick these to fill out a collection. They are all at 128/44 or better, although some of the ones already posted appear to be at 160, so they may be better.
My thanks to the gang at radioarchive.cc who joined me in assembling this set.
Thanks for these.
I am, this one was great. ------------ Rick
The date on the Tunnelers episode is incorrect in the description, although it's correct in the actual file title.
It's 2005, not 2006.
I have an almost complete set of these, missing only Episode Four of the first season, if anyone is interested.
Thanks Bob. ------------- Rick
Do you want the complete set?
These look just wonderful...thanks!!
Thanks Lesa for the Thanks! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rick
Semoshorts -
Thanks so much for such a wonderful series. I love history and mysteries and both together are a real treat.