Posted by
Riklaa on July 27, 2009 at 1:07am

Third Reich & Roll
Broadcast on BBC Radio 2, 16 to 30 March 2009
Stephen Fry tells the story of how Hitler's huge financial investment in magnetic tape recording for propaganda purposes would eventually give rise to exactly the free expression he was trying to suppress, in this new, three-part series.
Producer: Steve Levine
160/44; sound quality excellent
20090316 The story starts with how the victorious Allies discovered German Magnetophon recording machines. It took two of America's biggest entertainment stars to realise the potential of this revolutionary technology.
Bing Crosby produced America's first taped network radio show. And his friend, Les Paul, created his ground-breaking over-dubbing techniques, the building blocks of today's record production.
20090323 Examining the rock 'n' roll years and how the invention of the multi-track recording process changed the face of music production forever.
20090330 How the digital revolution in recording technology led to the creation of new musical genres.
David Crawford, Radio Times reviewer: If you've ever wondered what links Hitler and electric guitars, then Stephen Fry can put you out of your misery in this series on the history of audio recording technology. Taking the Nazis' revolutionary development of magnetic tape recording as a starting point, we're soon flying back to the first sound recording and forward to the rock 'n' roll explosion. Fry presents in his usual warm and erudite manner, and any story that attempts to draw a line between Wagner and Arctic Monkeys is sure to fascinate, though the interjections of an electronic "guide" prove a pointless distraction.
1-2 of 3Third Reich & Roll - e01 - 2009.03.17 [192-44-S].mp3
Third Reich & Roll - e02- 2009.03.23 [192-44-S].mp3
Thank you!
Go figure ! Thanks for putting this up ...
Thank you. Interested in everything about the WWII era
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Third Reich and Roll ep3of3.mp3