The Lost World of Arthur Conan Doyle (Spiritualism

The Lost World of Arthur Conan Doyle (Spiritualism) Broadcast 29th May 2009, BBC Radio Scotland How did Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of rational detective Sherlock Holmes, become one of the world's most famous apostles of Spiritualism? Writer Louise Welsh investigates. 128/44; 26 MB; encoded from Listen Again

doc 090529-rs The Lost World of Arthur Conan Doyle.mp3

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  • Hi Rick and Members:

    For further documentaries please check the "Sherlock Group". Here is one that I posted celebrating the 150th Anniversary of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Many others as well.
  • In "The Definitive Sherlock Holmes" another group on this site there is a section of Doumentaries on AC Doyle and Sherlock Holmes. I have placed 2 other posts there today that are related more directly to Sherlock Homes than this post. In case anyone is interested there are many other Documentary posts there specific to Sherlock Holmes.------------------------------------------------------Rick
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