The Lost Continent by Bill Bryson

"I come from Des Moines. Somebody had to". And, as soon as Bill Bryson was old enough, he left. Des Moines couldn't hold him, but it did lure him back. After ten years in England he returned to the land of his youth, and drove almost 14,000 miles in search of a mythical town called Amalgam, the kind of smiling village where the films of his youth were set. Instead he drove through a series of horrific burgs which he renamed Smellville, Fartville, Coleslaw, Dead Squaw, Coma, Doldrum. At best his search led him to Anywhere, USA; a lookalike strip of gas stations, motels and hamburger outlets populated by obese and slow-witted hicks with a partiality for synthetic fibres. He found a continent that was doubly lost;lost to itself because blighted by greed, pollution, mobile homes and television; lost to him because he had become a foreigner in his own country. Episode 1 - Back in Iowa - Bill Bryson rediscovers the small town America which he'd fled at the earliest opportunity. Episode 2 - Lost in a seedy town in Illinois - Bill Bryson rediscovers the America he left behind. Episode 3 - With a visit to Mark Twain's boyhood home in Missouri

The Lost Continent - 1.mp3

The Lost Continent - 2.mp3

The Lost Continent - 3.mp3

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  • Sounds interesting. I enjoyed his book about Australia --it would make a good book reading.
  • The Lost Continent by Bill Bryson

    Episode 4 - From Illinois to Mississippi via Tennessee

    Episode 5 - From Elvis Presley's Tupelo birth place to North Carolina Bill Bryson rediscovers America.

    The Lost Continent - 4.mp3

    The Lost Continent - 5.mp3

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