Louis Nowra is a playwright who has researched Davis's life and work and the history of Harput. He is based in Australia and was drawn to this story by way of his admiration for the music of the Armenian composer Komitas, which features in the play.
Consul Leslie Davis ..... John Guerrasio
Garabed Bergosian ..... Wiliam El Gardi
Sushan Krikorian ..... Betsabeh Emran
The Governor, Sabit Bey ..... Jack Klaff
The Chief of Police, Rachid Bey ..... Basher Savage
Dr Atkinson ..... Scott Handy
Mrs Balakian ..... Tamara Hinchco
Other parts were played by members of the cast as well as
Rita, Elise and Maral Ovanessoff
Gokman Gubener
Abdullah Tercanli
and Haydar Koyel
Technical Production by Peregrine Andrews
Director/Producer: Judith Kampfner.
A Waters Company production.
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BBC-The Light of Darkness.mp3