Think "Science with a laugh track."
All eleven seasons of this show which covers every imaginable topic in the sciences, explainuing abstruse topics in language we can all understand, often with jokes and humorous side tracks.
I've assembled and tagged all eleven seasons of the broadcast version at 128 kbps. along with a complete set of the podcasts at 64 kbps (their native encode).
The podcasts are expanded versions of the half-hour shows with explanatory material, further discussions and the like. In other words, if you grab the podcasts, there's no need for the broadcast files.
All the files are at:
The password is InceandCox
Thanks, Bob, for this series. It should be great! We have enjoyed the scientific TV programs Brian Cox has presented. For another side of Brian check him out on YouTube playing keyboard with the Irish band D:Ream in a previous stint.
Thanks Bob,
This has helped me plan the year ahead.
1 episode per week.
Now I just have to work out how to spend the remaining 167 & a half hours. (only kidding)
Thank you, I have seen the show on the BBC podcast site, but didn't know what it was about.
It's my weekly "commute and laugh" podcast. I also learn something, which at my age, is equally remarkable. :>)
Thanks, sounds interesting. Something new for me.