Once Upon a Time...

Once Upon a Time...

Broadcast Thu 8 Oct 2009, 19:50, Radio 3 (Twenty Minutes)

An exploration of the dark, sinister and enchanted world of fairy tales. Michael Rosen, A.S.Byatt and Richard Mabey take us into the woods - the realm where magic lurks, stange things happen, evil is vanquished and (usually) good prevails. Why do these tales and myths continue to exert such a powerful fascination for children and adults alike?

Producer: Amanda Boyle

160/44; 22 MB; sound quality excellent

Jane Anderson, Radio Times reviewer:
If you go down to the woods today you're sure of a big surprise. And, if you come across a house, why don't you lift the latch and go in, my dear? Children's poet Michael Rosen, author AS AS Byatt and naturalist Richard Mabey help conjure up the intoxicating mixture of the predictable and the terrifying that lies at the heart of every good fairy tale. This programme, asks why these stories of dark forests, where magic lurks in every twisted nook and gnarled cranny, continue to exert such a powerful fascination for children and adults alike. While Rosen and Byatt are comfortable scaring us from a studio, Mabey actually takes us into a real wood. Thankfully for the sound recordist, the moon was not full.

doc 091008-r3 Once Upon a Time....mp3

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  • You,ve been busy, Rick!

    • Hi Gypsy,

      I have been wanting to post a lot of these things for a long time, but my upload speed was sorely lacking, but was the fastest I could find where i live. Then ATT introduced U-verse in this area and my upload speed in now 5 times faster than it was with DSL or Cable and my download speed is 6 times faster, so I am catching up with the things i wanted to post. this is fun-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rick
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