After 64 years, the BBC has gifted Woman's Hour with a cheeky younger brother - this is a lad's mag less about leering at ladies and more concerned with how the modern man deals with relationships, life and everything in between.
Award winning journalist and broadcaster Tim Samuels is accompanied on the first show by The Posse - Woman's Hour host Jenni Murray, Louie Spence, Hugh Dennis, Andy McNab and Labour MP Alan Johnson.
Including features such as Thought for the Gay, Questions You Daren't Ask Your Doctor, Midlife Music Crisis, Token Women, and Hoover the Studio or Apologise for Feminism.
Apologies that traffic updates and news etc. are included - I just couldn't be bothered to edit them out.
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Men's Hour 100829 160k.mp3
Men's Hour 100815 160k.mp3
Men's Hour 100822 160k.mp3