Charles Chilton - Lincoln Frees the Slaves
Duration: 45 minutes
Broadcast: Thursday 09 January 2014 - History of Broadcast Below
128K - One RAR File 35.8 Mb containing 1 Program File, 1-4Extra Intro mp3 File and 1 Txt File
Part of BBC Radio 4 Extra's tribute to the remarkable talent of writer and producer Charles Chilton, who died on 2 January 2013 at the age of 95.
Influenced by his time working with Alistair Cooke, Chilton decided to specialise in American history. Adapted from his 'Out of the Wilderness' broadcast from 1965, the programme features the history and songs of the American Civil War. This was originally a "BBC Radiovision" programme for schools, for which pupils were able to look at accompanying sets of slides or colour filmstrips for use with a stills projector. Radiovision was an established part of BBC programming from 1964 to 1990.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1972.