ITMA Documentaries

ITMA, It's That Man Again

    1939 - 1949  (BBC Home Service)
    310 (12 series)
    Tommy Handley, Hugh Morton, Cecilia Eddy, Eric Egan, Sam Heppner, Lionel Gamlin, Vera Lennox, Maurice Denham, Jack Train, Dorothy Summers, Sydney Keith
    Tommy Handley, Ted Kavanagh
    British Broadcasting Corporation

ITMA followed the adventures of Tommy Handley as he undertook a series of (fictional) bizarre jobs that involved working with strange characters.

This show was a staple of the BBC during WWII and helped the British people through the Horrors of war with a liberal application of laughter.

ITMA, sadly, rarely receives airtime any longer; some episodes were never recorded but broadcast live, whilst the vast majority were - as with so, so many others - deemed of little worth and 'wiped'. The series' topicality, however, meant that even as the show was finishing in 1949, writer Ted Kavanagh remarked that "I myself cannot now understand some of the jokes. They were skits on ... a headline of that day's paper, and dead the following week."

These are 2 different documentaries of the show and Tommy Handley.  Enjoy them.

ITMA Documentaries

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