Home Front is a ground-breaking new Radio Four radio drama - its biggest ever at around 600 episodes - set in Britain during the Great War, playing a central role in the BBC's comprehensive World War One offering.

An enthralling fiction, set against a backdrop of fact. Each episode is set a hundred years to the day before broadcast, and follows one character's day. Together they create a mosaic of experience from a wide cross-section of British society, and a playful treasure hunt, with at least one historical truth hidden in each story.

Season One is set in Folkestone, a fashionable Edwardian seaside resort that quickly became one of the hubs of the military machine, and close enough to France to hear the fighting. Future seasons will be set in Newcastle and Devon, telling the major stories of wartime Britain.

Marking major and minor events of the time, Home Front charts the strategies that ordinary people found for managing life in wartime, and how, together, they ensured that the Home Front didn't break down.

Written by Katie Hims
Consultant Historian: Professor Maggie Andrews
Music: Matthew Strachan
Directed by Jessica Dromgoole

[description from BBC iPlayer website]

Series log attached below

I am posting TWO versions of this series. The first is all 45 separate episodes, each about 12-14 minutes in length. All files are at 128/44 and the full set (zipped) runs about 9 hours

I am also uploading the weekly omnibus sets (9)  which have the same content but in one hour (+/-) chunks.

Uploads here

HF - 000 - LOG.txt

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  • Thank you...enjoying this very much!

  • Bob, please take my thanks for this great upload! This will keep me entertained for a while! *does-happy-dance* :)

  • The first month of Series Seven (April 1916) is now complete and posted in the usual space - both individual and omnibus editions are there - no password required.

    Some curious incidents this month. as we move away from Folkestone, but not all of its former inhabitants ..


    • Thank you!
  • Hmmmm ... in preparing to capture Series 7, I discovered that I had not posted Series 6!

    We're back in Folkestone, but with some very interesting developments ....

    Late December 1915 through early February 1916, with the usual notes and a full set of Omnibus editions as well.  Posted in the usual location - no password required.

    Series 7 just started last Monday. We've MOVED! We're no longer in Folkestone, although several of the usual suspects will make appearances, as family and friends live in the new location and one little boy seems to have run off here ....

    • Bob, each new series is like attending a family reunion.  Love it!!!  Thank you! 

  • HEY, GAYLE!!!

    Series Five of HF is now available on my cloud server. September and October individual episodes are archived by month. The September omnibus is also archived. The October omnibus will be posted later tonight after the Beeb actually broadcasts it.  :>)

    It's at the same location as the previous four series. No password is required.

    A text file summary of the episodes is attached below. It's also included in each archive.

    Home Front Series 5.txt

    • Thank you, Bob!!    Can't wait to catch up with all these folks!!

    • I think this is the best series so far. LOTS of twists and unexpected events.

    • According to the BBC there will be a total of 15 series of Homefront.

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