This one is probably more the radio nerds & historians amongst you.


I recorded a fair bit of stuff (roughly speaking) between the years 1990 and 2000. Mainly crime and science fiction drama. One of my other big interests though was anything that related to the history of radio. Most of the time that came from a weekly BBC WS show called Waveguide, which was a magazine type program that literally could be about anything to do with radio, past or present.


This profile of Marconi is actually however from "Omnibus", another weekly magazine program, although this one could be about literally anything


One thing I never did was actually date my recordings. I wish I had but I didn't! :-)


Here's the link -


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  • I'm just a regular nerd and I like it, thanks David.  ---------------------------------------------------  Rick

    • Haha me too Rick - I've got LOADS of Waveguides on tape!  I've just gone and got one of those tape to MP3 converters and I've a feeling I'm gonna be up all night! :-) 

    • Hey David, all I have to say is whatever floats your boat, enjoy it.  -------------------------------  Rick

  • & talking of Waveguide and Marconi, here's a program from Aug 94 that features the man himself and Sir Oliver Lodge in conversation. Here's the link to that...

    They're a bit hissy but I'm still very pleased I kept them.

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