Ghost Writing by Jeremy Front

Ghost Writing by Jeremy Front Performed by David Schneider and Geoffrey Hutchings. Directed by Martha Littlehailes. The trial of alleged Nazi guard John Demjanjuk has begun in Munich. Jeremy Front looks at why it's still important to confront one's past. Broadcast Sat 5 Dec 2009, 19:00 - From Fact to Fiction 160/44; 15.5 MB; sound quality excellent

Front 091205 Ghost Writing.mp3

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  • Thanks for these. Do you ever sleep?
    • Robert,

      I am in constant pain and sleep mainly in naps after medication.------------------------------------------------Rick
    • Hey Rick, sorry to hear of your pain...I'm glad that you found a good distraction with otr, and that your pleasure also gives the rest of us joy in our lives...thanks for sharing all you do..I'm busy with my young grandson these days, and don't have time to record all that I want to listen to, but I always find something good in your contributions-we enjoy a lot of the same kind of shows....THANKS!!!!!! Abby :)
    • This one is excellent Abby, you will enjoy it.--------------------------------------------------Rick
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