Footnote To The Conspiracy By Bruce Stewart

Footnote To The Conspiracy
By Bruce Stewart
SNT 1976-05-22
Ronald Lewis/Patrick Troughton/Peter Sallis/Cyril Luckham

WWII story that was considered as Lost by Suttonelms.  It is 1945 and the conpiracy is in the works to kill Adolph Hitler.

I can find no information on it besides the above.  If anyone has more information would you please post it.

Footnote To The Conspiracy LINK

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  • Thanks for a wonderful offering and the information to go with it too.


  • Thanks!

    • Thank You for the info.  May 22, 1976 was a Saturday though and it was a SNT according to suttonelm.  All these websites do not give any information except the date, time and a couple of cast because it was or is a lost play.  Thank You for finding more.  Most of these plays were rebroadcast the following Sunday or Monday on Afternoon Theater as your 2:30 PM time slot denotes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rick

  •  Below is all I could find. It appears to have been a BBC Radio 4 play,

    Sunday Night Theatre  Full cast drama  May 22, 1976. It runs 1 hour, 28 minutes.

    "Radio 4 SUNDAY

    Footnote to Conspiracy (2.30 pm). Bruce Stewart's play recreates a Nazi court intent on

    finding out the extent of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's involvement in the 1944 attempt on Hitler's life."

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