The Elvis Presley Story, produced and directed by Ron Jacobs, was first distributed by Watermark in 1971 as a 2-hour program. Following Presley's death in 1977, the original was updated and an additional hour was added making the story a total of 3 hours. The Elvis Presley Story was written by Elvis biographer Jerry Hopkins and narrated by long-time Los Angeles media personality Wink Martindale. This shows are packed full of interviews and music. The show being done in 1971 except the last added hour, the music recordings you can tell are from some of the original recordings. Quiet entertaining.
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Sorry to bump and old thread, but I just found this and I am amazed that I hadn't heard of this before. I know everyone in this house is going love listening to this.
Many Many thanks
Very entertaining, enjoy!
Am I the only person who remembers Wink Martindale as the host of "Tic Tac Dough"?
No, but don't tell anyone. LOL -------------------------- Rick
Thank you very much for posting this, I never seem to tire of hearing about Elvis!
ThankYou for this, my man Elvis is always good!---------------------------------------------------------------Rick
Elvis Presley Story 04.mp3
Elvis Presley Story 05.mp3
Elvis Presley Story 06.mp3
Elvis Presley Story 07.mp3
Elvis Presley Story 08.mp3
Elvis Presley Story 09.mp3
Elvis Presley Story 10.mp3
Elvis Presley Story 11.mp3