Posted by
Riklaa on July 18, 2009 at 8:30pm
Clavigo by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Broadcast 6th May 2001, Radio 3 (Sunday Play)
65 minutes
160/44; 60.3 MB; sound quality excellent
Marie Beaumarchais has been courted, then abandoned, by Clavigo, whose advancement in the Spanish royal court would be hindered by a fiancee of no distinction - and a foreigner to boot. Marie's brother comes to Madrid to put things right.
"Clavigo" is based on an incident in 1764 in which French playwright Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais began a 10-month sojourn in Madrid, supposedly to avenge his sister, Lisette, who had been abandoned by one Clavijo, a writer wishing to further his career.
Translated by Robert David MacDonald from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's five-act tragedy. The play was written in just eight days in May 1774. It was the first printed work to which Goethe put his own name, although the play was received with disfavour. The first performance of the play was by the Ackermannschen Gesellschaft in Hamburg on 23rd August 1774.
With Brendan Hooper [Joseph Clavigo], Derwent Watson [Carlos], Jay Manley [Buenco], Andrew Joseph [Pierre Beaumarchais], Candida Benson [Sophie Beaumarchais, Pierre's Sister], and Katherine Burford [Marie Beaumarchais, Pierre's Sister].
A Glasgow Citizen's Theatre Production
Directed by Robert David MacDonaldGOETHE 010506-R3 CLAVIGO.MP3