ARE YOU NOW OR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN? Abridged, edited & arranged from records of investigation of show-business by the House Un-American Activities Committee between 1947 and 1956, by Eric Bentley. Radio version by Bob Sherman. Producer: John Tydeman Broadcast on Radio 3, 12th Nov 1978 94 minutes Cast List : Narrator/Hollman.......................................Helen Horton Dmytryk/Kazan/Miller/Nixon..............................Peter Banks Investigator..............................................Ed Bishop Hayden/Kraber/Lawrence/Wayne...............................John Bay Stander/Menjou...........................................Hal Galili Robbins/Brecht........................................Gordon Sterne Burrows/Parnel-Thomas..................................Thick Wilson Lawson/Mandel...................................Christopher Malcolm Lardner/Berkeley......................................Robert Whelan Parks...................................................Bob Sherman Paul Robseon........................................Thomas Baptiste Chariman............................................Ramsay Williams 128/44; 86.6 MB; sound quality very good There is a small turnover gap at 49:21

Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been (R3 1978-11-12).mp3

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  • Thanks, Rick!

  • Thanks for offering this. Truly, one of those shameful times in history...

  • Thank you for the program.  It's always best to understand the terrible moments in history as a cautionary tale.

  • !T h a n k s !

    • Aren't Fonts fun?  LOL  You are welcome.  ------------------------------  Rick

  • Rick -

    My late grandfather was investigated by Joseph McCarthy's group because of his opposition to the segregation in Washington, DC.  Grandfather was an activist Episcopalian minister who said 'The true measure of a great nation is not how well we take care of the well-off; but how we help everyone to become better off.'. 

    I was born there in 1955 a year after my grandfather's passing.  My late mother always told me that McCarthy's group really hurt him because he stood up against Communism but hated America's racism.  I am interested in this offering for personal reasons and I thank you so much for it.  It helps me to understand what many went through when 'labeled'.


    • Interesting!  --------------------------  Rick

  • This should be good!!
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