Alan Garner: The Return to Brisingamen

Alan Garner: The Return to Brisingamen Last broadcast on Tue, 24 Mar 2009, 11:30 on BBC Radio 4. SynopsisJohn Waite meets Alan Garner, author of the book that helped shape Waite's own childhood, The Weirdstone of Brisingamen, to discuss his life and writing career. He discovers how Garner had his mouth scrubbed with carbolic soap at primary school to rid him of his thick Cheshire accent, what happened when he heard himself declared dead - twice - and how nothing has influenced him more strongly than his artisan ancestors who have lived in the area for centuries. John also hears from Garner fans including academic Charles Butler and novelist Philip Pullman.

doc 090324 Alan Garner - The Return to Brisingamen.mp3

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  • Rick -

    Thank you so much for everything and I will always pray for you.

    Your fan,


    • I would much rather be your friend than to have you as a fan.  ----------------------------------------------------  Rick

  • The radioplay of book, Posted by Katy:
    • Hi Rick: Thanks so much for posting the interview with Garner.

      Cheers, katy
    • I am glad that Abby told me so I could link them. I had begun to look for it on Usenet. I don't know what happened, I was receiving notice of all postings on the site, but some have stopped. I thought that they wouldn,t stop unless you told them to. Maybe it was my hiatus while I was ill.
      BTW, wish me luck or pray for me whichever your personal preference is. I have been referred to a Cardiologist for a bundle branch block and PVCs. I really need the prayers, I don't want to have heart surgedry again, a quad bypass 11 years ago was enough for me.
      I also have been referred to a pain specialist for my leg pain. Pray that they accept me, my pain is getting worse and my doctor will do nothing.------------------------------------------------------------Rick
  • Hi Rick, this is great, because Katy just posted the story in the kid's section!! Thanks..I like documentaries!! Abby :)
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