Vanishing Point is the title of a science fiction anthology series that ran on CBC Radio from 1984 until 1986, although the show would continue under different names and formats. A descriptive intro declared that Vanishing Point was "The point between reality and fantasy". The series was produced by Bill Lane in the CBC's Toronto studios.
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Most of the titles in this series are misnamed. They are shifted by one. If you notice, starting at episode 5 there is a duplicate title. After that point, all the episodes are misnamed off by one. It happened again at episode 16 as well, so I bet they will be off by two names then. I dumped all these files to my local drive and discovered this little anomaly. So these need to be renamed somehow.
AmericanSitar > AmericanSitarDecember 31, 2010 at 7:04pm
It's not quite as bad as I made it sound. It gets back on track at some point, so there are probably only about 10 misnamed ones. :-)
Wonderful, that's one that we don't have to post in Radio Revival we will just link yours to it . Thank You Robert. I love it and it is one that I do not have. ------------------------------------------- Rick
Thanks for this CBC series
Paul Hudson
Thank you.
Thanks, I've only listened to a couple so far, and they were good. Thanks again.
Simply creepy good Audio Drama on Vanishing Point!