Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds was a syndicated radio show created by radio personality Lee Hansen. It aired 26 half-hour episodes between 1978 and 1980, becoming well-known for its realistic sound effects, high production values and documentary style of dialog.

The science fiction show was first syndicated by Watermark Inc. after Lee Hansen was hired as their creative director. After advancing the concept of an action-adventure dramatic radio series, Lee began developing the concept in the fall of 1978. Watermark premiered the first episode, "The Sun Stealers", on January 7, 1979.


The ISA, or International Space Authority, is a governing body of space development and exploration. Organized by all earth nations, it advances humans into deep space. Their base is officially named "The Arthur C. Clarke Astronomical Observatory" or "Starlab." Commissioner White commands the base, and under his command aboard Starlab are Research Director Dr. Maura Cassidy along with Starlab's Director of Operations, Jerry Lyden, and two ISA Pilots affectionately know as "rocket jockies" Captains Jon Graydon and Buddy Griff.


  • Roger Dressler as Narrator & Commissioner White
  • Linda Gary as Maura Cassidy
  • Bruce Phillip Miller as SET Captain Jon Graydon
  • Cory Burton as Starlab Controller Jerry Lyden
  • Chuck Olsen as SET Captain Buddy Griff

This is a High Quality set at (64-44)

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  • Thanks Robert. This is an excellent addition to my collection.

  • Thank you, Robert, for sharing. I think it will be Fun hearing this Series!
    • Thanks Robert.  I have them all but I just had to get the wonderful graphics you have to go with them.  --  Rick
  • The original music score and theme, entitled The Aliens World Suite, was composed by Jim Kirk and engineered by Dick Kewzey. It was performed by the London Symphony Orchestra, comprising a 57 piece Westminster Sinfonia in Wembley, England.

    Many of the realistic sound effects were recorded in four different sessions on an oil tanker in a San Pedro dry dock.

    • Thank you for these Robert. They sound like they will be very good.
      I appreciate ALL your hard work.
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