In 1961, after the death of the 1950's TV Superman George Reeves in 1959, the creators of "The Adventures of Superman" developed a different show loosely based upon the successful TV series. It was decided to develop a program based upon the character of the young Superman, better known as Superboy, who had been given his own comic book series in 1945. While the pilot episode was filmed, the show never went to air.
The Adventures of Superboy - Rajah's Ransom!
Uploaded to:Times Past --> Classic Movies and Tv --> Tv Shows --> Adventure
Thanks, watching right now and sound is find. I noticed the extension of this is .mov which is an Apple QuickTime extension.
If you have iTunes installed it should play find, or you can update your QuickTime at
You know I was just reading about another old pilot called the Adventures of The Adventures of Superpup
A little Hair of the dog that bit you eh. ------------------------------------- R
It's on Youtube. ---------------------------- R
Thanks for this very esoteric and rare pilot, there's just one problem no sound.
Can you correct? Thanks.
So sorry you are having issues. I checked the file I uploaded and it does have sound for me on my computer. Has anyone else who has d/l'd this file had simular probs? Could this be a codec issue?---- Calling for more knowleged insight from the judges.... :o)
Thanks for your response, Code, but I still can't get any sound. Is it possible for you to reload it in a more conventional mode that would allow me to pick up the track.
I have a modern Dell inspiron Desktop with Windows Media Player.
I would guess that it is a codec problem. I have not used Windows media player in years for this very issue. They appear to only put in the basic commercial codecs just so it won't play a lot of pirate stuff correctly. If you have a program to convert audio files to either another type file or sometimes to the same even. that may be your answer. I am suggesting another player and codecs set even though I find that people that use WMP are reluctant to do so because they have their other audios catalogued through it's library. I use MPC (media player Classic and the codecs for it which are in the large download a complete set. K-Lite Pack with MPC I would get either full or mega, I use mega. I would also tell you to be very vigilant when you install this or any other free or open surce program because they will install other stuff you don't want with it unless you opt out. ----------------------------------------------------------------- R
Thanks for the imput Rik.
It could also be POGO. I uploaded one tonight to try and see if I could get it to work with another computer and it finally uploaded completely but with no sound. If nobody has sound it's Pogo, but if it is only you it is your setup. ----------------------------------- R