Jonny Quest

Jonny Quest (also known as The Adventures of Jonny Quest) is an American animated science fiction adventure television series about a boy who accompanies his scientist father on extraordinary adventures. It was produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions for Screen Gems, and created and designed by comic book artist Doug Wildey. 

The show's working titles were The Saga of Chip Baloo, which Wildey said "wasn't really serious, but that was it for the beginning", and Quest File 037. The name Quest was selected from a phone book, for its adventurous implications.

The Quests have a home compound in the Florida Keys (on the island of Palm Key), but their adventures take them all over the world. The Quest team travels the globe studying scientific mysteries, which generally end up being explained as the work of various bad guys. Such pursuits get them into scrapes with foes that range from espionage robots and electrical monsters to Egyptian mummies and pterosaurs.


The Mystery of the Lizard Men
Arctic Splashdown
The Curse of the Anubis
Pursuit of the Po-Ho
Riddle of the Gold
Treasure of the Temple
Calcutta Adventure
The Robot Spy
Double Danger
Shadow of the Condor
Skull and Double Crossbones
The Dreadful Doll
A Small Matter of Pygmies
Dragons of Ashida
Turu the Terrible
The Fraudulent Volcano
Werewolf of the Timberland
Pirates from Below
Attack of the Tree People
The Invisible Monster
The Devil's Tower
The Quetong Missile Mystery
The House of Seven Gargoyles
Terror Island
Monster in the Monastery
The Sea Haunt

Although most menaces appeared in only one episode each, one recurring nemesis is known as Dr. Zin, an Asian criminal mastermind. With yellow skin and a diabolical laugh, Zin was an example of the Yellow Peril villains common in Cold War-era fiction.] The voices of Dr. Zin and other assorted characters were done by Vic Perrin. Race's mysterious old flame, Jade, appears in two episodes was voiced by Cathy Lewis (was also roommate to Irma in My Friend Irma)

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  • Thank you!

  • This great cartoon series I agree was one of the best ever! Fabulous stories and animation! Still stands up today. Along with Thunderbirds and Stingray, treasures from the 60s! Thanks! - R.L.

  • THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Loved this show!!!!!!

    Off to DL and enjoy the GROOVY!!!

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