Casey Jones is an American Western series that ran during the 1957-1958 television season, based around the pioneering western railroads. The series aired in syndication in the United States. Casey Jones aired on the BBC in the United Kingdom and on the Nine Network in Australia.
The series is set in the late 19th century, featuring the adventures of railroad engineer Casey Jones and the crew of the Cannonball Express steam locomotive, fireman Wallie Sims and conductor Redrock Smith, working for the Midwest and Central Railroad. Casey lived in Midvale, a fictional town within commuting distance of St. Louis, Missouri, with his wife, Alice, their young son, Casey, Jr., and their dog Cinders.
Alan Hale, Jr. - Casey Jones
Dub Taylor - Wallie Sims (the fireman)
Bobby Clark - Casey Jones, Jr. (Casey's son)
Mary Lawrence - Alice Jones (Casey's wife)
Eddy Waller - Red Rock Smith (the train conductor)
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