In days gone by cartoons were played in the local Cinema before the feature or between features. Yes, they used to play more than one movie quite often. The 1920s through the 1940s and into the 1950s there were quite a few cartoons that are pretty much banned now. There are various reasons. An example of this is prejudice. In the past before the 1960s there was a segment of our population that were considered second class citizens and they bore the brunt of racist cartoons that were considered normal fare at the time. Today we would reel in horror if these cartoons that were considered alright for all aged audiences were shown in anything but a learning situation. There were also during WWII cartoons that were derogatory towards certain Nationalities and Races of people. These feelings still continue unchecked in many countries around the world where politically correct is portrayed with a completely different set of morals and attitudes toward other peoples that we share this planet with. There are cartoons that belittle women, the mentally ill, those with genetic abnormalities or were not gifted with normal intelligence and many groups of people just because they have a different religion or are different than the group that is prejudiced against them. There are movies where they are portrayed as freaks and put on display for those with the attributes of the masses to ogle and laugh.
The society has changed drastically and for the better in the Western World where prejudice is frowned upon and not "Politically Correct". We realize that prejudice and belittling others has not been eradicated, it is just portrayed in a negative light publicly. I am posting these to show how prejudice can be insidious when it is publicly condoned and how the ideas behind the public showings of the past may not have changed in many circles.
I will step down from my soapbox and let you decide and I would appreciate feedback after your viewing of these bits of animation that were supposed to be humorous or educational. ---------------- R
These are in the Classic Movies and TV folder in Uploads (subfolder is Movies)
They may not have all been placed in the Cartoon Folder yet, some may still be in only Movies
Thanks Rick!
Many thanks, Rick, for providing this animated testimony to prejudice and racism of the past which may indeed, still be in the minds an hearts of many today thinly disguised as "patriotism", or even openly professed in the news media.
Couldn't have said it better, Gordon ! Thank you, Sir Rick...