A Christmas Carol 1971

The 1971 animated Chuck Jones production of the Dickens classic featuring the voices of Alastair Sim and Michael Hordern reprising their roles from the classic movie of the same name with Michael Redgrave providing the narration.

This film had had two unique distinctions: 1) it is the only Dickens adaption to ever win an academy award and 2) it won that award after first being aired on the ABC TV network in 1971 as a Christmas special before its theatrical release. Apparently the Academy subsequently changed its award eligibility rules to exclude from its consideration films that first began life as TV broadcasts.  

Uploaded to Classic Movies and TV-TV-Animation

Here is the YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rbgQMtgxAU


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  • This is very nice, thank you.

    Personally I prefer gobstoppers to humbugs.

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