The Shadow: 15 Australian Episodes
Lamont Cranston/The Shadow: Lloyd Lamble
Margo Lane: Lyndall Barbour
Announcer: Lloyd Berrill
The Shadow: 15 Australian Episodes
1939 - 1949?
Bitrate varies 32K to 96K - One Rar file containing 15 Mp3s - Size 152 Mb
Short History of The Show globally
The Shadow -- for the consideration of those who never heard a radio broadcast or read a pulp magazine -- was a supernatural sleuth with a sepulchral chuckle. A detective whose success in tracking down criminals became a popular long-running radio program from 1937 to 1954, after beginning a number of years before as a ghost-like voice introducing a bone-chilling murder play that concluded with a sinister laugh.
The Shadow was originally the voice of conscience and it was through the fear he aroused in the minds of criminals that they exposed their own villainy or destroyed themselves. Never committing cold-blooded murder for the sake of justice, The Shadow suffered a harrowing existence of close calls and death-defying challenges. His exploits were many; a career paced by chase and gunplay. Werewolves, vampires, psychotic murderers, gangsters, mad scientists -- he battled them all.
Looking back on the program today, it is hard to decipher which was more fun -- The Shadow's methods at plaguing a guilty conscience or the variety of horrors and villains he fought against.
The program left an impression on adults who enjoyed reading the pulp magazines and on young children who listened to the chillers.
The Shadow was inspiration to many, famous or fan. In his autobiography, Isaac Asimov fondly recounted filching the exciting yarns of The Shadow pulps from his sleeping father and replacing the magazine before he woke. Dick Ayers, creator of the Ghost Rider for the comics, admitted there was a blending of enthusiasm in his interpretations of the Ghost Rider's speech, influenced not by the pulp magazines, but by having been an avid fan of the radio program. Scriptwriters for the radio program later recycled their Shadow plots for novels and short stories -- Alfred Bester recycled one of his Shadow plots into the 1952 novel The Demolished Man, which won him a Hugo Award in 1953.
Shadow_(Australian)_400303_Bridge Of Tragedy.mp3
Shadow_(Australian)_431119_Return To Life.mp3
Shadow_(Australian)_450121_Out of this World.mp3
Shadow_(Australian)_450311_Brief Fame of John Cooper.mp3
Shadow_(Australian)_450318_Case Of The Burning Skull.mp3
Shadow_(Australian)_451104_Spotlight On The Duchess.mp3
The Shadow (Australian)_ Juggernaut.mp3
The Shadow (Australian)_ Return to Life.mp3
The Shadow (Australian)_ Spotlight on the Duchess.mp3
The Shadow (Australian)_ The Bridge of Tragedy.mp3
The Shadow (Australian)_ The Case of the Burning Skull.mp3
The Shadow: 15 Australian Episodes LINK
Thank you very much.
Thanks for these--I want to check them against what I have.
if you have some different post them here. --------------------- R