‘The Gormenghast Trilogy’
By Mervyn Peake
ABC radio, Australia.
Adapted for ABC by Michael le Moignan and Lawrence Lucas
Produced by David Chandler
6 weekly parts starting 1st November 1983
Repeated as 4 two-hour parts from 10 June 1986
32K - If anyone has better please post - 1-rar containing 8 mp3s
The Gormenghast Trilogy is a radio serial by Michael le Moignan and Larry Lucas, based on the novels of Mervyn Peake. First broadcast in Australia on ABC Radio in 1983 as eight one-hour installments, the series was produced by Frank Zeppel, Robert Cubbage and David Chandler. It was the first dramatization of Peake's work to include the third novel, Titus Alone.
1 Titus Groan
2 Gormenghast
3 Titus Alone
The life of Titus, 77th Earl of Groan and lord of Gormenghast Castle. A unique fantasy adventure. The series is usually described as a fantasy work, though it does not depict anything magic or paranormal. Another valid classification would be to place Gormenghast in the genre of the grotesque, with marked gothic and surrealist influences. It may also be considered a fantasy of manners.
Gormenghast is less focused on a central protagonist than many novels. Though Titus and Steerpike are often considered the main characters, they share the narrative with many of the other denizens of the castle. In a way, the main character could be seen as the setting itself, with the castle and social structure of Gormenghast taking a central role in unifying the story.
Narrator - Max Meldrum
Young Titus - Simon Hinton
Titus - John Warnock
Rottcodd - Walter Sullivan
Flay - Brian Harrison
Swelter - Nigel Lovell
Steerpike - Philip Hinton
Lord Groan (Sepulchrave) - David Nettheim
Countess Groan (Gertrude) - Margo Lee
Dr Prunesquallor - Alistair Duncan
Lady Fuscia - Fay Anderson
Nanny Slag - Marion Johns
Sourdust - Alexander Archdale
Barquentine - Alexander Archdale
Keda - Claire Crowther
Lady Cora - Margaret Christensen
Lady Clarice - Betty Lucas
Irma Prunesquallor - Dinah Shearing
Rantel - Bill Conn
Braigon - Andrew Tighe
Patriarch - Tom Farley
Servant - Michale Gow
Professor Fluke - Max Phipps
Professor Perch Prism - Wallas Eaton
Professor Bellgrove - Ric Hutton
Headmaster Deadyawn - Colin Croft
Fly - John Fitzgerald
Captain - Robert Cooper
Lookout Boy - Michael Zeppel
Apprentices - Andrew Tighe, Patrick Phillips
Muzzlehatch - Richard Meickle
Juno, Black Rose - Amber May Cecil
Cheetah - Judy Morris
Acreblade - Alan Tobin
Mrs Grass - Kerry McGuire
Mr Grass, Veil, Anchor - Don Pascoe
Thirst, Waiter - Neil Fitzpatrick
Kestral - Robert Davis
Lion - Frank Lloyd
Old Crime - Harry Lawrence
Prison Warder - Brian Anderson
Magistrate, Scientist - Brian Harrison
Clerk of court - Robert Davis
Crabcarr - Philip Hinton
Carro - Nigel Lovell
Slingshot - Peter Whitford
Foo Foo - Paul Bertram
Sound Effects by Michael Bowie, Allan Andrew Arthur, Pat Hopper, and Michael Simons
Sound Operators - Neil Sandbeck, Comrie Bucknel
Production Assistant - Linda Hughes
Produced by Frank Zeppel, Robert Cubbage and David Chandler
Hi Ricklaa
Thanks for this as I have never heard it before
Oh, rats! I was excited, hoping you might have a better encode than mine. No such luck. Probably the same original source.
Probably, sorry about that. I was looking for better, NO JOY! ----------------------- R
The saddest part is that this production is far superior to the BBC version.
Oh, well.