
  • You're welcome. Enjoy.
  • Excellent! Thank you.

  • Cheers!

  • Thank you David, Excellent Post.  I just cannot get enough of Dick Barton and I was upset because I thought I had them all but you found another, Yahooooo, Yipeee, Yaaay!!!!  ---------------------------------  R

    • You're very welcome Rick. I didn't know this was out either and discovered it by chance. It's actually recorded at a theatre really pretty close to where I now live, so if I'd known about it I'd have gone to see it! 


      We're very lucky with Dick Barton nowadays - for a program that holds such an iconic place in British Radio History, we had next to zilch in the archives. The sizable discovery of a couple of  years ago (that led to the wave of CDs with superb dastardly covers) is a real treasure.  

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